September 17-23, 2023
Miami Beach
Florida, USA
Hosts: American Vein and Lymphatic Society
American Venous Forum
Canadian Society of Phlebology
Mexican Academy of Phlebology and Lymphology
UIP Miami 2023
Connecting the continent, welcoming the world.
By Dr. Kathleen Gibson
XX World Congress Chair
As President of the American Vein & Lymphatic Society (AVLS) and Congress President, I am personally inviting each and every one of you to the XX World Congress of the International Union of Phlebology (UIP) to be held in conjunction with the 37th Annual Congress of the AVLS on September 17-21, 2023, in Miami Beach, Florida. We have selected a beautiful venue in an easily accessible location. We have developed a truly impactful and cutting-edge scientific program that we are confident you will not want to miss. We are excited to be working alongside our North American colleagues from the American Venous Forum, the Canadian Society of Phlebology, the Mexican Academy of Phlebology and Lymphology, the Mexican Society of Angiology, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, and the J. Raymond Tournay College of Medical Surgeons, along with the support of the UIP leadership in convening the twentieth World Congress. Our Scientific Program Chairs for the Congress are Drs. John Blebea, Alun Davies and Fedor Lurie. Together we have developed a comprehensive program that covers all aspects of venous and lymphatic medicine and have pulled together a truly international group of leading researchers and educators that have taken on the challenge to provide you with the latest knowledge in our field with the aim to equip every attendee to provide the highest standards of quality care for their patients across the world.
Physicians specializing in venous & lymphatic medicine, advanced practice providers looking to expand their knowledge and sonographers and nurses looking to enhance their skills will find sessions in the program that I am confident will exceed expectations. Our program chairs are covering a wide variety of subjects from superficial, deep and pelvic venous disease to lymphedema and vascular medicine. Be the first to learn more about the latest emerging technologies in the field and how to use these advances to help patients. Sessions will focus on venous thromboembolism, sclerotherapy, vascular medicine and lipedema. We are also excited to have the International Compression Club lead our sessions on the latest compression therapy for all aspects of venous & lymphatic medicine.
For those interested in the newest research, we are excited to be able to provide a platform for the latest advances in venous & lymphatic medicine from around the world! Do not miss the AVLS “Space Forum,” where researchers from around the world will focus on low gravity effects on our vascular system!
You will find our preliminary program at, along with all the information you need to make the most of your time in Miami Beach.
While education and research in venous & lymphatic medicine are at the core of every World Congress, we also know that interacting with our friends and colleagues from around the world is equally important. As such, Dr. Sergio Gianesini and his North American Organizing Committee are working with member societies around the globe to present the latest in management and treatment approaches from their respective countries.
I look forward to gathering in person with all of you in Miami Beach, a perfect opportunity to “connect the continent and welcome the world.” For those who have never visited Miami, there are not only beautiful beaches and exciting day and nightlife but also easy access to a tremendous number of other tourism opportunities, such as the Florida Keys, the Everglades, water and land sports, together with vibrant cultural initiatives. We encourage you to bring your family to enjoy this special place together.
Now is the time to begin planning how you will participate in this exciting Congress.
For researchers in venous, lymphedema and lipedema medicine, the abstract submission portal is now open and will close in February 2023. Our exhibition portal is also open for those interested in presenting products or services in the field. You will not only be able to reserve your space in the Innovation Pavilion but also find opportunities to conduct a symposium and a variety of sponsorship opportunities that will maximize your impact.
Now is the time to make your plans to be in attendance. Registration opens in just a couple of weeks, on November 1, 2022. You will find all you need to at to ensure a fruitful and productive experience.
Let me close by thanking in advance all our volunteers from the AVLS, AVF, CSP, AMFyL, SMACVE, CMCJRT, and the UIP for the work they have done to get us to this point and for all the hard work yet to come over the following months as we complete preparations for what we know will be a historical World Congress! I will see you next year in Miami.